Does Humidity Affect My Air Conditioner?

May 15, 2021

There are many threats to your air conditioner lurking inside of your home. Besides dirty air that can clog the filter, humid air is also less than helpful for your system. Here are three ways that humidity can harm your AC unit. Your Air Conditioner Can Break Summer months are when it is the most humid out, so you need your air conditioner the most. It is also when your unit is working its hardest. Your air conditioner cools your house by taking humidity out of the air. Think of humidity as something that creates more work for your system. The more of it there is, the harder your AC unit struggles. You may even turn your air conditioner up higher to stay cool in your residence. This can eventually wear out your cooling system. Your Home May Not Be Cool You might find that there are warmer areas in your house, and you may even see fog on your windows. Humidity means that your system can give you an uneven performance and not work well in the summer. Some rooms in your home will be cooler than others, and some areas may even be off-limits. Uneven performance can also...

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Should I Turn Off My Gas Furnace in the Summer?

April 16, 2021

You don’t have to shut down an electronic furnace over the summer in Littleton, CO. It will not use any more energy over the course of the summer than it uses at any other time of the year. On top of this, if you do shut off the electric furnace, you will also be shutting down the circuit breaker for your air conditioner. Older furnaces, or furnaces that are 10+ years older, have a pilot light that works by igniting the furnace burner. When this burner is on, you should see a blue flame. Because your furnace will waste gas when in use, it is a wise idea to turn off the pilot light in the summer. You can do this by turning the furnace valve at a 90-degree angle. If your furnace has an electronic ignition instead of a pilot light, you will need to take additional steps to turn off the furnace. If your furnace has a mechanical problem, contact a professional. Failure to get this fixed promptly can result in more costly repairs for you to make in the future. What Are Some Other Steps to Take to Keep Your Furnace Healthy in the Summer? One step...

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How Do Stand-Alone Air Purifiers Work?

March 19, 2021

Many people have bought free-standing, or standalone, air purifiers in recent years. They are used to improve indoor air quality by removing impurities such as dust, pet dander, pollen, and fumes. What Is a Free-Standing Air Purifier? A free-standing air purifier has a filter, or multiple filters, that removes contaminants from the air. There’s a fan that pulls air into the device, so contaminants are trapped by the filters. Air purifiers can have different types of filters to trap various pollutants. Are Air Purifiers Effective? How effective a standalone air purifier depends on several factors. Those with different types of filters will trap more kinds of pollutants, making your home’s air cleaner. The filters need to be changed regularly, as they lose effectiveness. Some can be washed, while others have to be replaced. Are They Safe? Most air purifiers are safe. They use non-toxic materials to filter the air, such as activated carbon. You should avoid ones that use ionizers, though. These can produce ozone, which is a lung irritant that triggers asthma. Check the box to see if it produces ozone. What About HEPA Filters? HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air. A HEPA filter traps tiny particles, as they’re...

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How Often Should You Get HVAC Maintenance?

February 12, 2021

Wintertime in Littleton, CO, is cold, and summers are warm and humid, so you’ll need a reliable heating and cooling system to maintain a comfortable indoor environment. The best way to make sure that your house’s heating and cooling system works efficiently is to schedule HVAC maintenance. Here’s what you need to know about how often you should schedule HVAC maintenance for your residence. When to Schedule Air Conditioner Maintenance Your air conditioning system needs an annual tune-up. The best time of the year for this is mid- to late-spring, before it gets too hot outside. During an air conditioner tune-up, our technicians will verify the refrigerant level, check the hoses and connections, clean the condensate line and lubricate the fan motor and blower motor. How Often Your Heating System Needs a Tune-up Heating systems also need an annual tune-up. An ideal time for this is mid-autumn, before the nighttime temperatures drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. During a tune-up of your furnace or boiler, our technicians will check the ignition, the burners and the heat exchanger. We’ll also clean the combustion chamber and inspect the flue. Why Heat Pumps Need Two Maintenance Visits Every Year Heat pumps are systems that...

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How Can Temperature Effect Your Sleep?

January 10, 2021

Sleeping is one of the most important activities in your life. Without adequate sleep, your body can’t repair itself, you can’t consolidate your memories and you won’t be able to focus on important tasks throughout the day. That’s why it’s so important to create an environment that’s conducive to sleep. One of the biggest factors in a quality night’s sleep is the temperature of your bedroom in Littleton. To understand how to use temperature to your advantage, take a look at these tips from the professionals at Littleton Heating and Air Conditioning. Best Temperature for Sleep First of all, it’s important to understand a good temperature range for sleeping. Sleep scientists have determined that a range of 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit will generally result in the best sleep. Anything warmer will leave you tossing and turning as you try to find the cool spot in your bed. Anything cooler will cause you to need too many blankets to be practical. Why Does Temperature Affect Sleep? As your body follows its natural circadian rhythms, your internal temperature drops a few degrees in the hours leading up to sleep. This drop in body temperature indicates that a cooler environment is more...

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3 Ways to Avoid Damaging Your Heating System

December 16, 2020

If you want to be comfortable during the cold seasons, it’s crucial to ensure that the home heating system works. The best way to prepare for winter is to have your system inspected during the fall. Proper maintenance and handling will ensure that the unit is operating efficiently. The following are the ways to avoid damaging your heating system. 1. Clean Your Furnace Filter Regularly Cleaning your filter prevents the buildup of dust, soot, and spores that cause nasty clogs. Clogs in your furnace will restrict the airflow. Replacing a worn-out filter is a sure way to improve indoor air quality. The excessive heat causes the heat exchanger to deactivate. Dirty filters also result in short-cycling issues that consume electricity. You will notice that the cost of heating will increase significantly. 2. Be Wary Of Warning Signs If the furnace cycles on and off, it causes inconsistent flows of heated air. Sometimes it does not heat at all, even when you turn it on. An inconsistent furnace could signify a defective blower. If your vents don’t release any warm air when you operate the heater, it has a malfunction. Be keen on the following signs: Thermostat won’t turn on even...

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What a Burning Smell From Your Heater Means

November 18, 2020

A burning smell coming from your furnace doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a problem. You should find the source of the problem, though, to make sure there isn’t something wrong. What type of burning smell it is can clue you in on what’s going on. Burning Dust Smell This smell often occurs when you first turn on your furnace for the year. It’s been sitting dormant for months, which means dust has collected inside. The dust will quickly burn off, and the smell will go away. Burning Plastic Smell This smell usually means a part has broken or worn out. It is likely the fan belt, capacitor, or plastic-coated wires inside the furnace. You should have a technician inspect your furnace and make repairs. Littleton Heating & Air Conditioning is based in Littleton, CO, and helps people who need their furnace repaired. We’ve been providing quality services since 1972. Burning Electrical Smell This smell can occur when the blower motor is overheated. The motor is supposed to shut off when this happens, but if the safety feature is damaged, that won’t happen. The motor can become dangerously hot, so shut down your furnace until it can be repaired. Gunpowder Smell If...

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Top Furnace Problems That Homeowners Experience

October 20, 2020

Your heating and air conditioning equipment may sometimes fail to perform as expected. One of the most common HVAC failure points is the furnace. When your furnace fails, the entire HVAC unit may be rendered dysfunctional as no hot air will be blown to warm your home. It helps to understand some of the most common failure points of a heater. Noisy Unit Sometimes, a furnace will produce some clicking noise when running. This is an indication of mechanical malfunction in various points. One of the likely culprits is a loose inducer or worn-out motor bearings. It is particularly common in gas-powered furnaces where the motor-powered fan becomes loose, thereby producing a clicking noise when turning. Having the unit inspected as quickly as possible will ensure that the problem is fixed. Furnace Blowing Cold Air The furnace is a crucial component that provides the warm air for your HVAC system. Sometimes, it may fail by blowing cold air, even when the thermostat is set to high temperatures. One of the likely causes of this failure is an issue with the pilot light, thermostat settings, or air filters. A dirty and clogged air filter will impair airflow in the system, which...

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Best Heating/Cooling Options for a Finished Basement

September 20, 2020

A finished basement in Littleton provides a lot of space for relaxing, spending time with family or enjoying a movie. An important component of this enjoyment, though, is achieving and maintaining the optimal temperature in your space. To ensure that you maintain this comfort without wasting excess energy, it’s important to carefully consider your options when it comes to conditioning the air in your basement. We at Littleton Heating and Air Conditioning have a few suggestions to help make your basement even more inviting. Ductless System If you don’t want to cut into your basement’s ceiling and walls to run ducts for an HVAC system, then a ductless mini-split system could provide a great solution. A ductless system from Littleton Heating and Air Conditioning provides both heating and cooling capabilities to ensure your basement stays comfortable year round. Plus, you can install multiple ductless systems in various rooms in your basement to provide the ultimate climate control. Add to that the convenience of no ducts, and it’s easy to see why many people choose ductless systems for their basements. Adding to a Current System Depending on the size of your home and your basement, you have a couple of options...

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5 Things to Know About the HVAC System in Your Home

August 11, 2020

There are five things about your heating and cooling system you should know that will save you time and money. Every homeowner should learn these essential pieces of information so they know how to properly maintain their system, help it last as long as possible, and make an informed decision about when it needs to be replaced. 1. What Type of HVAC System Do You Have You should know what the different components of your HVAC system are, as there are many combinations. You may have a boiler for heating and an air conditioner for cooling. If you have a heat pump, it both heats and cools your home. Your equipment may use natural gas, electricity, propane, or some combination of these. 2. Your HVAC System’s Age HVAC systems inevitably deteriorate as they get older. Their energy efficiency goes down and they may lose some functionality. By knowing the age of your system, you’re better informed about what its problems may be and when it needs to get replaced. 3. What Filters Are in Your HVAC System The filters in your HVAC system need to be regularly replaced. There are many filters available, so you need to know which ones...

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