3 Ways to Avoid Damaging Your Heating System

If you want to be comfortable during the cold seasons, it’s crucial to ensure that the home heating system works. The best way to prepare for winter is to have your system inspected during the fall. Proper maintenance and handling will ensure that the unit is operating efficiently.

The following are the ways to avoid damaging your heating system.

1. Clean Your Furnace Filter Regularly

Cleaning your filter prevents the buildup of dust, soot, and spores that cause nasty clogs. Clogs in your furnace will restrict the airflow. Replacing a worn-out filter is a sure way to improve indoor air quality.

The excessive heat causes the heat exchanger to deactivate. Dirty filters also result in short-cycling issues that consume electricity. You will notice that the cost of heating will increase significantly.

2. Be Wary Of Warning Signs

If the furnace cycles on and off, it causes inconsistent flows of heated air. Sometimes it does not heat at all, even when you turn it on. An inconsistent furnace could signify a defective blower.

If your vents don’t release any warm air when you operate the heater, it has a malfunction. Be keen on the following signs:

  • Thermostat won’t turn on even if it has power
  • The vents are releasing dusty air
  • The heater won’t turn on
  • The heater runs continuously

3. Schedule Annual Tune-Up Services

A furnace tune-up improves efficiency by up to 30%. Proper maintenance lightens the system’s load and makes it much easier for the furnace to heat your home. The system should be thoroughly inspected, cleaned properly, and serviced professionally at least once a year.

Undertaking a tune-up ensures that the system is more effective and cheaper to run. The tune-up involves:

  • Lubricating moving parts including motor bearings
  • Checking and adjusting the fan belt tension
  • Inspection of the electrical components
  • Inspecting the heat exchanger

Hire the Experts

When it comes to operating your heating unit efficiently, proper maintenance is a requirement. At Littleton’s Heating & Air Conditioning, we have been providing heating and air conditioning solutions to the Metropolitan Denver residents since 1972. Since we are a certified business, our technicians will provide the best services in the industry. We also offer cooling services in the area.

Contact us today, and we’ll schedule an affordable tune-up service for you.

Meet the Author
Darek Buczysnki
Darek Buczysnki

Darek Buczysnki is the proud owner of Littleton Heating & Air Conditioning and has over 35 years of experience in the HVAC industry.